
Buy a Pneumatic Ash Conveyor System for your Workplace

Ash conveyor systems are used to convey abrasive, hot ash such as fly ash and bottom ash from electrostatic precipitators, bag houses, and boiler beds. These ash conveyors can handle very high temperatures and work efficiently without any problem.

If chosen correctly, you can save up to about 50% less energy than other fly ash conveyors uses. You just have to select a perfect pneumatic conveyor supplier. Good pneumatic ash conveyor systems has following features:

  • ISO 9001 Certified System
  • Worldwide usage started from 1974
  • Very low material transfer velocity
  • Maintenance free and mo moving parts
  • Very low cost incurred per ton of ash transferred
  • Because of low profile, Excellent for retrofitting existing equipment
  • A single pipeline and multi pickup points
  • It is Fully Automated
  • ProvidesContinuous Cycling
  • Easily equipped for bottom dry ash
  • Easy to install because of small equipment

How Does it Work?

  1. System at Rest

At first, the pneumatic conveyor system is at rest, i.e. it is waiting for accumulation of adequate ash in the hoppers to start the conveying.

  1. System fill Cycle Commences

Once enough ash is accumulated in the hoppers and a level has reached, all the dome valves automatically get opened and unsealed. During this process, the air valve remains closed.

  1. System Filling Complete

Once the Ashveyor vessels get full and hoppers become empty, system filling process gets completed. Remember, still the air valves remain closed.

  1. System Conveying Cycle Commences

Now the conveying air valve opens and all dome valves gets closed. The ash enters the conveying line from Ashveyor vessels.

  1. System Conveying

During the conveying process, air valve remain open and dome valve remain closed. Ash gets conveyed in the conveying line.

These Pneumatic ash conveyor systems are efficient in their working and once you buy them, you need not to worry about anything because every process is automated. You can get more details on this at our website www.trimechindia.com

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