Welcome to Trimech India
Trimech India got seeded in 2008 with a vision to provide innovative technology to industries. With our knowledgeable team and transparent policy, we are recognized today for excellence and techno-embedded equipment and machine offers. Easing and facilitating industries with flawless mechanisms; we manufacture and supply belt conveyors, dust collector, screw conveyor, bag filters, PSA Nitrogen Plants, and PSA Oxygen Plants. At Trimech India, we believe in making the latest, trending, and technologically sound equipment and machinery. All we do is that we go the extra mile to see our customers smile.
Continuous innovations, qualitative technological know-how, and customer satisfaction are our biggest assets. We believe that a firm flourishes and grows based on these criteria primarily. Moreover, Trimech India is blessed to have a hardworking and dedicated team right from sales to service and officers to operations. We offer seamless support, thorough consultancy, and work with a progressive mindset helping your business achieve its desires.
Would you like to speak to one of our Sales Executive over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.